Líneas de Investigación
Qué hacemos
El Laboratorio Ko-Yaku tiene 2 líneas de investigación:
Calidad y modelación de ecosistemas
a) Modelación ambiental del transporte de sedimentos
b) Calidad de los recursos hídricos y ecosistemas acuáticos
c) Estudio de variables ambientales bajo condiciones de cambio climático
Control y prevención de la contaminación
a) Caracterización de agua y residuos.
b) Desarrollo, optimización y modelación de procesos de tratamiento.
c) Revalorización de subproductos e indicadores.
Almeida-Naranjo, C. E., Guachamín, G., Guerrero, V. H., & Villamar, C.-A. (2020). Heliconia stricta Huber Behavior on Hybrid Constructed Wetlands Fed with Synthetic Domestic Wastewater. Water, 12(5), 1373.
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/w12051373
Link: https://www.mdpi.com/2073-4441/12/5/1373
J. Tejedor, V. Cóndor, C.E. Almeida-Naranjo, V.H. Guerrero, C.A. Villamar (2020). Performance of wood chips/peanut shells biofilters used to remove organic matter from domestic wastewater. Science of The Total Environment, 738
Link: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/ S0048969720331065
Luis F. Huaraca, Soledad A. Chamorro, Víctor Hernández, Enrique Bay-Schmith & Cristina A. Villamar (2020) Comparative acute toxicity of glyphosate-based herbicide (GBH) to Daphnia magna, Tisbe longicornis, and Emerita analoga, Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B, 55:7, 646-654
DOI: 10.1080/03601234.2020.1758497
Link: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/03601234.2020. 1758497?journalCode=lesb20
- Cristina E. Almeida-Naranjo, Mayra Frutos, Jennifer Tejedor, Jeniffer Cuestas, Fabricio Valenzuela, María Inés Rivadeneira, Cristina Alejandra Villamar, Victor H. Guerrero (2021). Caffeine adsorptive performance and compatibility characteristics (Eisenia foetida Savigny) of agro-industrial residues potentially suitable for vermifilter beds. Science of Total Environment, 801
Link: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34428664/
Montenegro-Rosero Karla, Villamar-Ayala Cristina Alejandra, Fernández Lenys, Espinoza-Montero Patricio (2022). Operational performance of corncobs/sawdust biofilters coupled to microbial fuel cells treating domestic wastewater, 809
Link: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/ S0048969721061933?via%3Dihub
Cristina E. Almeida-Naranjo, María Belén Aldás, Génesis Cabrera, Victor H. Guerrero (2021). Caffeine removal from synthetic wastewater using magnetic fruit peel composites: Material characterization, isotherm and kinetic studies. Environmental Challenges
Link: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/ S2667010021003164?via%3Dihub
- Angela Plaza-Garrido, Mishell Limaico, Cristina Alejandra Villamar-Ayala (2022). Influence of wastewater treatment technologies on virus removal under a bibliometric-statistical analysis (2022). Journal of Water Process Engineering, 47
Link: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/ S221471442200085X?via%3Dihub
C. Chicaiza, L. Huaraca, C. E. Almeida-Naranjo, V. H. Guerrero, C. A. Villamar (2020). Improvement of organic matter and nutrient removal from domestic wastewater using intermittent hydraulic rates on earthworm-microorganism biofilters. Water Science & Technology
Link: https://watermark.silverchair.com/wst082020281.pdf
Cristina A. Villamar, Katherine Salazar, Karla Montenegro-Rosero, Luis Huaraca, Kennedy C. da Conceicao; Preventive strategies for reuse and recycling of wastewater within the HDG production. Water Sci Technol 1 January 2022; 85 (1): 265–278.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.2166/wst.2021.621
Link: https://iwaponline.com/wst/article/85/1/265/85946/ Preventive-strategies-for- reuse-and-recycling-of
Yanez, S., Márquez, C., Valenzuela, B., & Villamar-Ayala, C. A. (2022). A Bibliometric-Statistical Review of Organic Residues as Cementitious Building Materials. Buildings, 12(5), 597.
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/buildings12050597
Link: https://www.mdpi.com/2075-5309/12/5/597
- Plaza-Garrido, A., Ampuero, M., Gaggero, A., Villamar-Ayala, C. A. (2022). Norovirus, Hepatitis A and SARS-CoV-2 surveillance within Chilean rural wastewater treatment plants based on different biological treatment typologies. Science of The Total Environment, 160685.
- Yanez, S., Márquez, C., Valenzuela, B., Villamar-Ayala, C. A. (2022). A Bibliometric-Statistical Review of Organic Residues as Cementitious Building Materials. Buildings, 12(5), 597.
- Plaza-Garrido, A., Limaico, M., Villamar, C.A. (2022). Influence of wastewater treatment technologies on virus removal under a bibliometric-statistical analysis. Journal of Water Process Engineering, 47, 102642
- Villamar, C.A., Salazar, K., Montenegro, K., Huaraca, L., Costa-Conceicao, K. (2022). Preventive strategies for reuse and recycling of wastewater within the HDG production. Water Science and Technology, 85(1), 265-278
- Montenegro-Rosero, K., Villamar, C.A., Fernández, L.., Espinoza-Montero, P. (2022). Operational performance of corncobs/sawdust biofilters coupled to microbial fuel cells treating domestic wastewater. Science of The Total Environment, 151115.
- Almeida, C., Frutos, M., Cuestas, J., Valenzuela, F., Tejedor, J., Rivadeneira, M.I., Villamar, C.A., Guerrero, V. (2021). Caffeine adsorptive performance and ecotoxicological characteristics (Eisenia foetida Savigny) of agro-industrial residues potentially suitable for vermifilter beds.
- Tejedor, J., Cóndor, V., Almeida, C., Guerrero, V., Villamar, C.A. (2020). Performance of wood chips/peanut shells biofilters used to remove organic matter from domestic wastewater. Science of the Total Environment, 738, 139589.
- Chicaiza, C., Huaraca, L., Almeida, C., Guerrero, V., Villamar, C.A. (2020). Improvement of organic matter and nutrient removal from domestic wastewater using intermittent hydraulic rates on earthworm-microorganism biofilters. Water Science and Technology, 82(2), 281-291.
- Huaraca, L., Chamorro, S., Hernández, V., Bay-Schmith, E., Villamar, C.A. (2020). Comparative acute toxicity of glyphosate- based herbicide by Dapnia magna, Tisbe longicornis, and Emerita analoga. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B, 55(7), 646-654.
- Almeida, C., Guachamín, G., Guerrero, V., Villamar, C.A. (2020). Heliconia stricta Huber behavior on hybrid constructed wetlands fed with synthetic domestic wastewater. Water, 12(5), 1373.
- Villamar, C.A., Carrera-Cevallos, J.V., Vasquez-Medrano, R., Espinoza-Montero, P.J. (2019). Fate, eco-toxicological characteristics, and treatment processes applied to water polluted with glyphosate: A critical review. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology. 49(16), 1476-1514.
- Guerrero, J.A., Almeida, C.E., Villamar, C.A. (2019). Improvement of nutrients removal from domestic wastewater by activated-sludge encapsulation with polyvinyl alcohol (PVA). Journal of Environmental Science and Health: Part: A. 54(8), 721-727.
- Montenegro, K., Fernández, L., Villamar, C.A., Espinoza-Montero, P. (2019). Humedales artificiales y celdas de combustibles microbianas como sistemas individuales y combinados para el tratamiento de aguas residuales: una revisión. Infoanalítica, 7(2), 15-37.
- Villamar, C.A., Vera, I., Rivera, D., de la Hoz, F. (2018). Reuse and recycling of livestock and municipal wastewater in Chilean agriculture: a preliminary assessment. Water, 10(6), 817 – 833.
Villamar, C.A., Sarda, C. (2019). Chapter: Nutrients Cycle within Swine Production: Generation, Characteristics, Treatment and Revaluation (Livestock Health and Farming), ISBN 978-1-78985-904-1.
Henry, F., Cabrera Maldonado, M., Badrie, N., Moraes, M., García, ME., Villamar, C.A., Örmeci, B. and Álvarez, D. (2019). Water Quality in the Americas: Risks and Opportunities. Special Chapter: Women and the Quality of Water, IANAS. ISBN: 978-607-8379-33-0.
(Access to: https://www.interacademies.
Villamar, C.A., Vidal, G. (2012). Capítulo Minimización en el origen: Indicadores productivos y características físico-químicas como herramientas para la gestión en el tratamiento y disposición de purines. Aportes a la gestión y optimización de la tecnología ambiental del sector porcino. ISSN: 978-956-227-367-1.
Ortíz, G. Villamar, C.A., Vidal, G. (2012). Capítulo Minimización en el origen: Efecto del pH y la temperatura en la generación de olor durante el almacenamiento de purín porcino. Aportes a la gestión y optimización de la tecnología ambiental del sector porcino. ISSN: 978-956-227-367-1.
Neubauer, M.E., Pozo, G., Villamar, C.A., Plaza de los Reyes, C., Vidal, G. (2012). Capítulo Recuperación de nutrientes desde purines porcinos: Recuperación de nutrientes por Schoenoplectus californicus (C.A. Méyer) Sókaj. En un humedal construido alimentados con purín de cerdo. Aportes a la gestión y optimización de la tecnología ambiental del sector porcino. ISSN: 978-956-227-367-1.